Operation Round Up® uses the power of many, the members of Tri-State EMC, to help others – charitable organizations. If you choose not to participate, or if you want to discontinue your contribution, simply click on the link below or contact the Tri-State EMC office.

Members of Tri-State EMC are automatically included in Operation Round UP. The following counties will be served by the program: Fannin County, GA Polk County, TN and Cherokee County, NC. One hundred percent of your contributions go toward improving the lives of others. The primary purpose of Operation Round Up is to address charitable needs and provide financial assistance anywhere in the 3 counties served by Tri-State EMC. Requests for assistance will be evaluated and grants awarded by a separate board of directors, made of volunteer members from Tri-State EMC counties. The Tri-State Electrical Membership Corporation Foundation, Incorporated was created to disperse the money collected by Operation Round UP. This small, monthly contribution can make a huge impact. It works out to be less than the cost of one soft drink, candy bar or cup of coffee a month. On average, you will contribute $6 a year – a small amount to help worthy causes in our community. For example, a bill of $73.46 would become $74.00. Unless you choose not to participate, Tri-State EMC will automatically round each participating member’s electric bill up to the next dollar. As a Tri-State EMC member, you have a unique opportunity to support Operation Round UP, a program that provides financial support to organizations within the 3 counties served by Tri-State EMC, and all that is required is the “round up” of your power bill.